Went for my 2nd appointment @ the eye specialist with my mum,
Why am i there? ):
I've had a few bumps on my upper and lower eyelids,
and recently it getting very swollen and stuff,
so the doc ask me to do a minor eye procedure to remove them.
Ouch factor no. 1 :
The anesthetic jab on my upper eyelid + lower eyelid hurts like a BITCH!
My mummy bluff me, told me it's not gonna hurt, but when the needle went
into my eyelid my tears wanna fly out already.
Definitely more than an "ant's bite".
Ouch factor no. 2 :
They would have to FLIP over your eyelid,
which doesn't actually hurt that much, but it's just feels gross & ultra uncomfy.
Ouch factor no. 3 :
Obviously i have to open my eye throughout the whole process,
It's so gross to be able to see whatever she's doing,
I cringe everytime the doc brings a surgical knife near my eye,
i'll be like WOOOOOOUW woooouw...Careful woman!
Ouch factor no. 4 :
I was suppose to look down when the doc is doing my upper eyelid,
look up when she's doing my lower eyelid, so at one point of time
i accidentally look straight and i saw her holding a cotton pad completely soaked in my blood. OMG gross gross gross.

Hais, at the eye specialist at TTS hospital, all the waiting, sian!
Lol, my mum was playing with her fb account on MY phone,
leaves me with no entertain!!!

Waiting to take my medicine..
Pardon a makeup-less me!

A'HOY PEOPLE! I got to be a pirate for the next few days!
Boooo.. the male nurse stick the eye patch until damn ugly..
Lol, so funny, after i was done with the procedure
my mummy & i, we were like busy taking pictures with my camera and my mum was taking pictures with her cell of me with my bandaged eye, fml.
I caught a disapproving look from the nurse walking by.. hahaha!
Must be thinking, wtf? this mother-daughter siao or what!
it's really troublesome cos my left eye's degree is much lower,
so i'm left with my right eye with higher degree,
everything i see is like really unclear!
Mummy stayed home with me that night
cos she very scared i will fall down or hurt myself!
Lol, and i prove to be pretty good at being a 独眼龙,
Even peeled + cut apples and carrots for my guinea pigs
with one not so awesome eye! hahaha
Ahhh, came home from the hospital a found a package
for me from Urbanalised.. cheered me up alot! (:

Awww! Favourite rilakkuma! (:
Will blog more my buys next week~

Boyf finaaaaally ended his reservist and came over to accompany me
and brought me some stuff i really neeeeeeded! Love you~

Lots of eye patches + bandage tape + hot/cold compress..
the doctor said my eyes is gonna be bruised,
wtf i thought the bruise is probably just a tiny one..
when my mum remove my eye patch to change a fresh one for the night,
turns out there's bruises on my ENTIRE under eyelid area
and abit on my upper eyelid. Looks like i kena punched.
Not a pretty sight. ):
FML, i'm working for an event on mon - thur somemore!
Hopefully the bruise goes away before that.
If not i'll look really lame?!
Going for a meeting this sunday and i'll look like an idiot
wearing sunnies in an indoors restaurant + no makeup. lol wtf.

Heheheh, boyf drew Rilakkuma on my bandage!
Sweet Min gave me that rilakkuma (:

The blood on my bandage when we removed it at night,
wtf? i thought the male nurse told me the bleeding stopped
when he bandaged it for me in the hospital? Why still got blood?!
The thought of my eye bleeding.. Ewww like some horror movie
just made me threw up in my mouth abit. :x
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